Council of the Republic

Thank you for wanting to contribute to the Council of the Republic.
Please complete the following questionnaire to register for participation in the Council of the Republic. The questionnaire will take about 10 to 12 minutes to complete.

Find further information on the Council of the Republic here.

All council members are presented on the website with a profile. The following information is published for this purpose.

The Free Republic of Vienna should be a celebration of togetherness as well as confrontation and debate. Together with the whole city, we will ask: How do we want to live together? What might politics, culture, the theatre and the city of the future look like? I want to be part of the Council of the Republic, because ...

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The following information will be used to contact you and will not be passed on to third parties.

The following information will only be used for statistical evaluation in order to ensure that the Council of the Republic comes as close as possible to reflecting the society of the City of Vienna and is not passed on to third parties. We therefore ask you to answer the following questions accurately.

The following information on your personal values will be kept confidential and anonymised. It serves to associate you with one of different sets of values or fundamental attitudes that are represented in society

To join the Council of the Republic, you must participate in at least one of the two Congresses of Vienna. It is possible to indicate several dates (if you are available on both weekends).

Thank you very much for your interest! You will receive a confirmation by e-mail after you have sent off the questionnaire. We will be in touch with further information in mid-February.

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The Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) would like to thank their main sponsors.