Legal Notice

In accordance with the duty to inform the public under Art. 5 para. 1 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act and the duty of disclosure under Art. 25 of the Austrian Media Act

Company name
Wiener Festwochen GesmbH
Lehárgasse 11/1/6
A-1060 Vienna
Phone +43-1 589 22 0

Bank details
Erste Bank AG
Acct. No.: 821-696-453/00
Bank code 20111
IBAN AT88 20111 821 696 453 00

Company registration number: 185404 d
Competent court: Commercial Court of Vienna
Competent authority under E-Commerce Act: Municipal District Office for the 6th District
UID: ATU47634706

Company domicile (headquarters)
Lehárgasse 11/1/6
A-1060 Vienna

Purpose of the company
Organisation of a culturally important and innovative festival and of events of a similar type as well as all business related to this scope

General Management
Milo Rau (Artistic Director)
Artemis Vakianis (Executive Director)

Conception 2024
Thomas Schoofs

Photo campaign 2024

Rafaela Pröll

Webdesign & Programming
Huangart I Design & Code
Kranzgasse 18/10, 1150 Wien

[kju:] digital solutions
Neubaugasse 31/21, 1070 Wien

English Translations

Nadezda Müngersdorff

Basic orientation of publication (editorial purpose)
Presentation of festival programme

All content was input with the utmost conscientiousness. All changes in the roster of events or in the cast of individual events, all changes in date or time as well as all changes in the seating plan motivated by artistic considerations are expressly reserved. No liability can be assumed for the accuracy of the information communicated on this website.

All content published on this website is protected by copyright law. All rights reserved. All content may be used exclusively for personal information and private use. In particular, all forms of copying, publishing or making available any information contained herein as well as any other form of communication of such information or its entry into electronic databases shall be prohibited.

External links
We assume no liability for links to other websites regarding the content, functionalities and availability of the website(s) thus linked. This shall also apply to all other direct or indirect references or links to external web services. Links to this website are welcome if designed as external links with a separate browser window. Copying of the main window of this website into a frame of the link provider is prohibited. If a website to which we have provided a link should contain illegal content, we kindly ask you to inform us accordingly; we will then promptly remove the link.

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The Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) would like to thank their main sponsors.