Council of the Republic

A council that represents the audience and at the same calls on the city, the country, Europe and the entire world to join the Free Republic of Vienna.

The core of the council is formed by eighty Viennese citizens: 69 inhabitants of Vienna who were nominated by the 23 district partners as well as eleven local personas from the fields of art, culture, activism, science and media who will contribute their expertise in the design of civil society processes and their various fields, and who have been involved in the structural process since February. These eighty Viennese members of the council will accompany the entire festival, producing the Viennese declaration as the ‘constitution’ of the Free Republic of Vienna in the context of the hearings. The jury for the Vienna Trials will also be chosen from among the council members. The council will have its central office together with local and international activist initiatives, students and the Festwochen team at the House of the Republic.

Green Members
Honorary members
Green Members
Viennese experts
Green Members
Viennese citiziens
Coming Soon
Elfriede Jelinek
Sibylle Berg
Kirill Serebrennikov
David van Reybrouck
Elisabeth Großschädl
Carola Rackete
Bibiana Beglau
Srécko Horvat
Yosi Wanunu
Kid Pex
Alexander Martos
Jean Ziegler
Fariba Mosleh
Monika Mokre
Meinhard Rauchensteiner
Camille Étienne
Yanis Varoufakis
Juan Son
Annie Ernaux
Kim de l´Horizon
Oksana Lyniv
Lucia Steinwender
Noomi Anyanwu
Dunia Khalil
MST – Movimento dos Sem Terra
Inhabitants Zad de Notre-Dame-des-Landes
Letzte Generation Österreich
Dirk Stermann
Gerlinde Heil
Romana Rotschopf
Florian Böhm
Martin Genahl
Olga Flaum
Martin Zoglmann
Marlene Wagner
Jason Acid
Wolfgang Kaleck
Sandra Hüller
Baharak Abdolifard
Katrina Herre
Sofija Milic
Elliot Holmberg
Barbara Klampfl
Alexander Wanitschek
Ruth Beckermann
Yvan Sagnet
Olena Nechay Nosal
Peter Seifert
Belma Beslic-Gal
Irmeli Hübchen
Victoria Daucher
Agnes Chorherr
Ernst Kanitz
Samo Zeichen
David Walser
Gerald Straub
Dominic Jarka
Doris Dittrich
Bruno Gina
Simone Uran
Ben Aurel Schill
Helen Radermacher
Nikolaus Preglau
Barbara Kopacka
Christian Kreuzer
Ursula Napravnik
Jasmin Arrich
Martina Sawa
Bengül Müldür
Selin Müldür
Liam Kutschera
Afiyet Koyun
Leila Offinassinga
Clelia Molina Xaca
Susanne Höhne
Nico Wind
Salaheddine Najah
Gabriele Weber
Dagmar Höfferer
Georg Wagner
Alina Sesser
Philipp Rauch
Leily Offinassinga
Christine Bruckbauer
Alina-Carmen Olar
Carola von Herder
Cornelia Scheuer
Fabio Coutinho Altenburg
Halyna Shcherbak
Lukas Fliszar
Manami Okazaki
Oleksandr Pietukhov
Oliver Theodor Lehár
Amir Hossein Mashhadban Eskandar Kolaei
Barbara Petretto
Walter Mathes
Tinou Ponzer
Marko Markovic
Paul Küffer
Mateja Meded
Stas Zhyrkov
Alexandra Herdt
Laura Aichinger
Heinrich Staudinger
Marco Otoya
Olga Shapovalova
Daria Vorobeva

Institutions and initiatives from the fields of culture, sports, religion, leisure and social life cast a web across the entire city in their role as district partners. The district partners nominate the 69 members of the council from the districts and will present L’Addition, this year’s pièce populaire, each in their own district – on football pitches, in lidos, pubs and on meadows.

Council of the Republic

which will represent the audience and at the same time initiate a call to the city, the country, Europe and the whole world to join the Free Republic of Vienna.
© Karin Rocholl Elfriede Jelinek
© Katharina Luetscher Sibylle Berg
© Christian Hüller Sandra Hüller
© Gerald von Floris Dirk Stermann
© Sibylle Fendt VALIE EXPORT
© Wael Ibraheem Dunia Khalil
© Ira Polyarnaya Kirill Serebrennikov

Member of the Council of the Republic Sibylle Berg

I am a part of the Council of the Republic, because ...
… wir vor der richtigen Revolution einmal kurz üben sollten.

Member of the Council of the Republic Kid Pex

I am part of the Council of the Republic, because ... 

…wir endlich mitbestimmen. Nicht bestimmen dürfen, sondern mitbestimmen müssen. Wir - ALLE.

Vienna Declaration

The Free Republic of Vienna will conclude its first (constituting) year by issuing its own constitution, the Vienna Declaration, which is intended to be a practical set of rules for the festival of the future. Should invitations to artists be tied to political tenets? What does the Free Republic of Vienna say about quotas and questions of sustainability? How much innovation and how much tradition does the ‘festival of the future’ need? The Vienna Declaration will be written by the Council of the Republic following the five-week artistic programme, numerous hearings and debates and shall remain valid for the next four years. It will be read out by the Council of the Republic on the final day of the Festwochen during a closing ceremony at the House of the Republic

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