Become a partner

Established in 1951, the Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) is one of the longest-standing and most renowned cultural events in the world. With its blend of a unique artistic heritage and a lively and committed audience, the festival populates the stages of the city with the most exciting that theatre, music, opera, dance, performance and visual arts have to offer in May and June of every year. The shows offer as much variety as the festival itself. Together with local partners and communities, the festival seeks to open up spaces throughout the city – from Burgtheater to football pitches.

Our sponsors and partners are actively involved in that. As ambassadors for the festival, they facilitate projects that aim to have a sustainable social effect and inspire future generations by means of the arts. On the back of many years of experience in collaboration across the fields, we are skilled at developing made-to-measure partnerships that relate to your company goals and brand. Business partners enjoy unique advantages while at the same time supporting our commitment to bringing international, passionate theatre of the world to Vienna.

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The Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) would like to thank their main sponsors.