ja nichts ist ok
EUR 55 / 45 / 35 / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 7 / 4 (standing room)
approx. 80 min
This event is in the past
12 June
Time 6.30pm
12 June
Time 9pm
12 June
Time 6.30pm
12 June
Time 9pm
© Thomas Aurin
© Thomas Aurin
© Thomas Aurin
© Thomas Aurin

Well, theoretically it‘s like you’re having a dialogue and in the background you hear screaming and bombs exploding. Which is not the case. But inside my head, I’m having this soundtrack going on all the time. I’m having a great time with my children though, we don’t always weep and cry at home, we’re having a ball! We’re playing games and I don’t even have to shout: Aaron, please! You can’t – it’s not a matter to laugh about! We’re not supposed to crack a – although I had the jokebook with me! I’ve fetched it from his room! Look!

René Pollesch, one of the most influential theatre makers in post-dramatic theatre, died unexpectedly in February 2024. The Pollesch/Hinrichs production ja nichts ist ok had premiered two weeks earlier at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin. The long trail of human conflicts, the subject’s inner turmoil in the process of civilisation, the exhaustion of the society – Fabian Hinrichs, who has received several awards as an actor, performs solo in a recycled stage design from Anna Viebrock; the costumes are by Tabea Braun.

Pollesch was last featured at the Wiener Festwochen in 2021 with his successful play Die Gewehre der Frau Kathrin Angerer. A joint production was in planning by Wiener Festwochen | Free Republic of Vienna and Pollesch for 2025. Following his sudden death, it is particularly important to Wiener Festwochen | Free Republic of Vienna to show the final play by this magnificent author and theatre maker in Vienna.

Künstlerisches Team

Text René Pollesch With Fabian Hinrichs Extras Nadine Ahlig, Farid Fleschmann, Niels Förster, Estanislao Gonzalez, Eva Günther, Helene Hager, Kristina Hartmann, Sonja Holst, Ingeborg Koch, Barbara Korte, Marion Lanzerstorfer, Christine Masuhr, Klaus Schneider, Lotte Selier, Alex Sommerfeldt, Oliver Walter Stage design Anna Viebrock Costume Tabea Braun Light design Frank Novak Dramaturgy Anna Heesen, Johanna Kobusch


Production Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin

Premiere 11 February 2024, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin

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